Goodbye Haute Glue is a feature-length film that combines documentary and drag revue to tell the story of Haute Glue, a monthly experimental queer art and drag show hosted and produced by Mars from 2018-2020 at Black Water Bar. The film interweaves the final digital performance of that show - postponed by the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic and the people’s uprisings of 2020 - and features a cast of exquisite local Portland drag talent. At once deeply personal and steeped in collective pleasure and pain, Goodbye Haute Glue performs a needed community elegy for the joy, and grief, of creating something, and letting it go.
Max Little
Lala Benét
Tingles Van Pelt
Sin Nombre
Shandi Evans
Directed by Mars
Cinematography by Max Little
Watch the trailer below:
Poster Design by Mars