Hi! Curious about sponsoring this show? ❤️️
We’re rallying our favorite community businesses, organizations, and collaborators to make this event as magical as possible! We are committed to paying our cast and crew well and providing accessible sliding-scale ticketing, ASL interpretation, thorough Covid-mitigation, and more. We’re also having a planetary raffle fundraiser highlighting the interconnection of our collective liberation with three local community project recipients (announcement coming soon), a pre-show queer makers fair and an astro after-party, Read on to learn about how you can support this magic, help us tend to the soul-ar system of our local community, and connect with a whole new galaxy of folks as a Solar System sponsor!
Here are some of our suggested ‘Tiers’ and corresonding commitments we’ll make in exchange!
We’re rallying our favorite community businesses, organizations, and collaborators to make this event as magical as possible! We are committed to paying our cast and crew well and providing accessible sliding-scale ticketing, ASL interpretation, thorough Covid-mitigation, and more. We’re also having a planetary raffle fundraiser highlighting the interconnection of our collective liberation with three local community project recipients (announcement coming soon), a pre-show queer makers fair and an astro after-party, Read on to learn about how you can support this magic, help us tend to the soul-ar system of our local community, and connect with a whole new galaxy of folks as a Solar System sponsor!
Here are some of our suggested ‘Tiers’ and corresonding commitments we’ll make in exchange!
~Individual “Sponsor spotlight" social media post
Sponsor name included on event program
Shout out from us on the microphone!
2 complimentary tickets to the show!
Room on our merch table for promotional materials, if you wish!
~All perks from the Luminary tier, plus…
Sponsor name included on show poster (July 1st deadline for this perk)
Ad space in our pre-show big-screen slide rotation
$777 - $1111
~All perks from the Intergalactic tier, plus…
A moment on the microphone to talk directly to our audience at the start of Act 2 (if desired!)
Reserved seating for 4 in your favorite part of the theater - let us know where!
$1111 +
The Big Bang
~All perks from the Supernova tier, plus…
We will work with you to produce a pre-show video ad spot (check out the one we made for CCC PDX!) about you for the big screen and your social media - up to 2 minutes of content!
We are also open to in-kind donations to our raffle, where we will shout you out on the mic & on our IG stories!
Want in on this?
Email maxandmarspresent@gmail.com to get started!